Bolton Ladies' Hockey League

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Playing hockey can be dangerous.
Umpires will do all they can to cut out dangerous play, but accidents will happen.

The Committee recommends all players to wear professionally fitted gum shields.

Neither the members of the Committee nor the Umpires can be held responsible
for any accidents in a match.
Players take part in games at their own risk
and sign a disclaimer to that effect on the Registration Form.
Any player receiving 4 GREEN CARDS to get an automatic NEXT MATCH BAN.
Any player receiving 2 GREEN CARDS and 1 YELLOW CARD
to get an automatic NEXT MATCH BAN.
Any player receiving 2 YELLOW CARDS to get an automatic NEXT MATCH BAN.
Any player receiving 1 RED CARD to get an automatic NEXT MATCH BAN
and possible further disciplinary action decided by the Committee.